
translationMANAGER for Magento 1 – Changelog


# Installation
We STRONGLY recommend first installing and testing the plugin in a test environment. Please backup your database prior to installation.
Additional information can be found at http://help.eurotext.de

# Update
Please make sure all ongoing projects have been completed / successfully imported before installing the update.
We STRONGLY recommend first installing and testing the update in a test environment. Please backup your database prior to installation.
Additional information can be found at http://help.eurotext.de

# General Terms and Conditions & Terms of Use for Eurotext AG Software Applications

## Version 3.3.2 – 2018-08-28
– Problem that would prevent users from saving projects has been fixed

## Version 3.3.0 – 2018-06-12
– Project state workflow is now slimmer and more intuitive
– Codebase quality has been further improved
– Unnecessary classes have been removed
– When choosing more than 1000 items, not all items were exported. This has been fixed.
– It was possible to submit a project without content. Since that is nonsensical, it is not possible to do that anymore.
– Under certain circumstances, install scripts could cause errors when creating tables (nullable fields).
– It is now possible to copy projects
– Privacy policy during registration (EU-DSGVO)

## Version 3.2.20 – 2017-08-01
– Bug which occurred when saving product prices if “Save prices at website level” was enabled in Magento has been fixed
– New option of using your own method to save items when importing translations (for more information please see http://help.eurotext.de/m/translationmanager-magento19/l/774752-verwenden-der-eigenen-artikel-speichermethode-bei-import-von-ubersetzungen)

## Version 3.2.19 – 2017-07-25
– Improved handling of attributes

## Version 3.2.18 – 2017-05-31
– Bug where user-defined attributes were ignored by the export if they contained a lot of content with a lot of specific special characters (e.g. Smarty Tags)
– The help page has been tidied up
– Problems writing export packages when using Symlinks
– Bug where in some cases global attributes were assigned incorrectly during import
– Bug where in some cases the user was diverted to the backend home when scrolling through email templates
– Bug where the select all articles function would not save when jumping into another category
– The search function in the language files could not search (You had one job)
– Error in the rights admin which meant that exports and imports could only be carried out by administrators
– Bug where if an item was included in several categories, a navigation error in the item selection could occur and prevent further navigation

## Version 3.2.16 – 2017-04-12
– Bug where field allocations would not be correctly populated when importing items
– Bug where in some cases the first email template or language file in a selection would not be exported
– Bug where in certain cases deleting a selection of items would not function correctly

## Version 3.2.14 – 2017-03-09
– Compatible with Magento Version
– Magento Connect package error fixed
– Error which could occur with PHP version >7.0.0 fixed

## Version 3.2.13 – 2017-02-09
– Complete refactoring of the program code
– Complete revamp of the user interface
– Implementation of Magento Grid in the selection dialogs
– New navigation via the category tree in item selection
– Improved performance and stability of imports and exports
– The debug mode has been revised and now includes the option of retaining export packages on the server or not sending them to Eurotext at all
– Improved testing and enhanced compatibility for the creation of ZIP files
– Selections can now also be seen after exporting
– Multiple selection of items via comma-separated SKU lists in one text field
– New: Email templates from the database can now be translated
– Improved compatibility with third-party plugins and processes
– New: If an export fails, the non-transferred ZIP file is copied to var/export/
– Enhanced testing of various system components (rights, directories, modules) to guarantee the stability of the plugin
– Improved behavior when importing translations into content already deleted in the source text, including a list of non-imported content in the import dialog and logging
– Completely revised documentation (http://eurotext.screenstepslive.com/s/translationmanager/m/translationmanager-magento19)

– Bug where image labels would not be exported
– Bug fix in the rights admin following changes in Magento 1.14 EE/1.9 CE
– Bug where language files were exported from the wrong source language
– Bug where the language file from custom themes (translate.csv) would not be exported
– General bug fixes to export format
– General bug fixes to user registration
– General bug fixes to ZIP file creation
– Improved logging in standard and debug modes
– Improved security for database write access

– Automatic selection of non-translated content removed

## Version
– Translate your custom category attributes: Export your user-defined attributes

## Version
– Duplicate URL key bug during import fixed

## Version
– Revamped DEBUG mode. Can now be activated in the backend (System -> Configuration -> Developer -> Log)
– Log file created in /var/log/eurotext.log, major errors now saved to eurotext_fatal.log even when DEBUG mode deactivated
– FTP testing now with DEBUG readout
– Base directory now in /var/eurotext instead of /eurotext
– Various improvements to the use of Magento directories

## Version
– Only selected language files will now be exported
– Small bug fixes

## Version
– Translate your custom product attributes: Export your user-defined attributes
– Backup: Failed transfers to the Eurotext server are now backed up in /var/export.
– Bug fixes and security updates
– Improved and stabilized program base

## Version
– In the product selection, the stock availability will now be displayed as set in the backend for “virtual” items/main items as well

## Version
– You can now filter by product type when selecting products

## Version
– JavaScript bug fixed
– Update script now works more tolerantly

## Version
– There are now two additional filters available for product selection (status and stock availability)
– Static blocks can now be exported and re-imported. The static blocks are displayed in the CMS page selection

## Version
– The control.xml comment field now includes more project information
– You can now go back a step in projects
– The correct plugin version is now shown in the control.xml

## Version
– The module now exports attributes even if there is no name available for the source storeview. The default admin text is simply exported

## Version
– The URL key will only be set in the target storeview (based on the product/category name) if there was previously no value there (i.e. “Use default values” was enabled). Previously the URL key would only be set if the value was empty or the same as the default value
– “Use default values” setting no longer lost for fields that are not present in the translation files.

## Version
– Bug where import would fail if product images for which translations had been generated were deleted in the Magento backend in the time between exporting and importing
– Product images missing from the import are now skipped

## Version
– Product selection expanded to include filtering by category, meaning entire categories can now be quickly exported for translation
– URL fields not included in an export were being reset to their default values during import, instead of being generated based on the (translated) names

## Version
– Release Version

