
International search engine optimization

Making your mark internationally

International SEO/SEA

The internationalization of SEO/SEA texts is not just about accurate translations. The placement and consistency of keywords is also vital to generating optimal coverage. Character limitations are important – you don’t want meta descriptions cut off mid-sentence. Also the wording has to follow different rules than in the translation of other text types. Our experienced linguists know exactly what is needed and will adapt your SEO texts for the target market and intended target group.

Our professional translators have the right experience to make sure that your SEO efforts bear fruit in other languages.

Our SEO and language services are DIN EN ISO 9001:2015-certified.

Keyword research in the target market

The rule of thumb for keywords is: “as general as possible, but as specific as necessary”. This balancing act can sometimes be hard to maintain in translations. We test the coverage of your keywords in the target language and find alternatives as needed.

Category tuning

But it isn’t just keywords that need careful testing and review during the translation process: there are many essential text types that decide on the success or failure of your online shop. Category names, for example, and associated descriptive texts are crucial elements for your customers finding exactly what they are looking for. Incorrectly worded category names confuse visitors in your online shop and cause them to lose interest in your offering. We will make sure that your category names and description match the requirements of your target market.