Robert Steinruck is in charge of print media processing at Eurotext AG, offers support for IT services and takes on the language engineering in e-commerce projects. He has extensive experience in the area of Desktop Publishing and is familiar with the inner workings of the most exotic DTP software products.
Software and file types
InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop… many layout and image file formats can be used as a basis for your translation project without the need for lengthy and error-prone copy & paste processes.
Of course we can also handle more exotic applications, many of which are popular mainly with our industry clients: Interleaf QuickSilver, PageMaker, Framemaker or QuarkXPress.
MS Office documents
Office documents in Microsoft Office have become the standard in day-to-day business: Word, Excel and Powerpoint are everywhere. They aren’t just the easy choice for simple letters, lists and presentations – these programs allow the creation of large-scale, highly complex documents with an astounding scope of features. The translation of MS Office files can therefore also be very simple or very complex.
Client-specific styleguides
Every client is different. That is why we record key information (the fonts used, software versions, design guidelines, approval workflows, etc.) in client-specific styleguides. Our clients can therefore be sure that they will receive exactly what they need. We even offer advice on how to create translation and TM-friendly layouts. Request our easyLayout Guide!