
translationMANAGER for Shopware – Changelog


# Installation
We STRONGLY recommend first installing and testing the plugin in a test environment. Please backup your database prior to installation.
Additional information can be found at http://help.eurotext.de/

# Update
Please make sure all ongoing projects have been completed / successfully imported before installing the update.
We STRONGLY recommend first installing and testing the update in a test environment. Please backup your database prior to installation.
Additional information can be found at http://help.eurotext.de/

# General Terms and Conditions & Terms of Use for Eurotext AG Software Applications


# Change Log

## Version 1.5.2 – 2017-08-14
– Bug where in some cases newly created projects would not appear in the project overview

## Version 1.5.1 – 2017-08-09
– IonCube encryption completely removed and deactivated

## Version 1.4 – 2017-07-25
– Bug caused by a CSRF-Token error in Shopware 5.2 where the source and target shop could not be selected

## Version 1.3 – 2016-11-18
### NEW
– Compatible with Shopware 5.2
– Items: as well as categories, you can now filter by product stream when selecting items
– Shopping worlds: support for master landing pages
– Only source language content will now be displayed when selecting products, categories, shopping worlds and blog pages
– Bug where attempting very large imports would lead to a timeout error
– Display error when opening individual dialogs in Google Chrome
– Improvements to performance when loading selection lists
– Uninstalling via the plugin manager now follows the same logic as Shopware 5 – user guidance is now clearer
– Improved checking for unavailable content types (e.g. Product Streams as of Shopware 5.1)
– Bug where scrolling was no longer possible in the project overview after a failed import
– Bug where content would not be fully exported if certain languages were selected as a source language
– Small improvements

## Version 1.2 – 2016-07-06
### NEW
– Shopping worlds: you can now navigate/filter by category when selecting shopping worlds
– Blog pages: you can now navigate/filter by category when selecting blog pages
– Product Streams can now be selected for translation (as of Shopware Version 5.1). The “Name” and “Description” fields will also be exported.
– Copying projects: projects can now be duplicated. This means that selections can be made for a project and that project and its selections can then be copied for a different target language.
– Shopping worlds: bug where in certain cases the category allocation in shopping worlds would not work.
– Bug where in certain cases importing translation packages was not possible
– The import error report has been improved
– Small performance improvements

## Version 1.1 – 2016-04-29
### NEW
– Digital Publishing Banners (including user-defined elements) can now be selected for translation
– Shopping worlds: user-defined shopping world elements can now be translated
– Shopping worlds: in landing pages, the newly added “SEO Title” field in Shopware 5.1.2 can now be translated
– Shopping worlds: bug where shopping worlds in Shopware 4 would not be duplicated during import
– Shopping worlds: bug where translation updates to shopping worlds would not be imported because the allocation to the source target shopping world was not set correctly
– Shopping worlds: bug where in the case of translation updates, elements added or deleted in the source language shopping world would not be included in the target language shopping world
– Incomplete transfer of data from the registration form

## Version 1.0 – 2016-03-03
### NEW
– Release Version 1.0
