ENGLISH VERSION The Eurotext academy program offers prospective specialist translators and career changers the opportunity to gain insight into the world of professional translation, while gathering extensive practical experience as a translator. Since its launch almost two and a half years ago, the project has become more and more succesfull. And there’s still great potential for Eurotext academy.
Promoting young talents by setting tangible goals
The participants are also involved in real translation projects from start to finish. First, they are given a thorough introduction and, during the projects, they are in constant contact with other participants and mentors. At the end, they receive detailed feedback. Translating itself is only one part of the program. Another important aspect is the knowledge of using CAT tools (Computer Aided Translation), translation memories and terminology databases.
After having completed their tasks, the participants are, of course, awarded a certificate stating their detailled progess and accomplishments.
An asset for customers
Let’s be clear: Not every customer and project is suitable for Eurotext academy. The texts should be comparably simple, short and appealing to the customers on an emotional level. The product texts of fashion online shops, for instance, are perfect for academy projects. The text volume should not be too low and the schedule not too tight. If these requirements are met, Eurotext and the customer can decide to make their project part of the academy program. The advantage is obvious: The costs for academy projects are significantly lower than for projects with experienced specialists.
(You would like to know if your translation project is suitable for the Eurotext academy program? Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!)
And, last but not least, the benefit is mutual: Many academy participants continue working with Eurotext as full-time professional translators after having completed their training in the Eurotext academy program. Further introductory training is not required, saving time and money on all sides.
What will the future hold?
Many students are eager to take part in this program and the projects are limited. Due to high demand, not all applicants can be accepted. Eurotext, however, is planning on extending capacities, i. e. by adding more languages to the program.
Another very important step is the recognition of the program by universities and other educational facilities. It is our philosophy that participating in the Eurotext academy program should be recognised as an official course awarded with ECTS credit points for the students. We are currently talking to the responsible decision makers and hope to reach a decision soon.
Further information
Autor: Eurotext Redaktion
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